
Maximize your business success with our incredible tools!

Business Directory

Get the Ultimate Business Profile for your Company absolutely FREE from Us! We provide you with an exceptional and free business profile that can help your company grow & succeed!

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Submit your restaurant deals for free.

Create a portal and begin submitting your deals, daily deals, offers, discounts, happy hour specials, and other categories for free.

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Promotions, deals, offers, flyers, and ads.

Your ad will be displayed under your business profile and promotions section, as well as appearing in Google Search results.

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Find Professionals

You will receive a professional business portal that showcases your services, including a logo, cover page, description, services, and contact details (dealdeal.ca/{your-portal}). Additionally, it allows you to link your business website and other social media platforms.

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$99 + Tax (Onetime)

Other Services

Flyer Design Service

You will receive a custom, professional flyer for your business that will help you stand out and attract attention.

Order Online - Website for your restaurant

We can create a website for your restaurant with the following features:

  • Online ordering functionality
  • Categorized menu with daily deals and catering options
  • Customer reviews section
  • Improved SEO for better visibility
  • Unique pages for each menu item
  • Admin portal for easy management
  • Call, SMS, and email notifications for orders
  • Mobile-friendly design for optimal user experience.
View Sample Website

How to Register Your Business/Professional

  1. Sign up today to gain access to our services.
  2. Click the Submit button for the services you are looking for.
  3. Fill out the form correctly and accurately, including all necessary information. (If you wish to make any changes, simply head over to the "Manage" section)
  4. Once you are done, simply press the Submit button and you will be good to go. It is as easy as that!
  5. Next, we will start processing your details. Once your business/professional profile is approved, we will send you a confirmation email along with the business portal information.

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